Amendments to the Criminal Code to Protect Health Care Workers and People Seeking Access to Health Services

Nursing Practice Update: Amendments to the Criminal Code to protect health care workers and people seeking access to health services

Changes to the Criminal Code came into effect on January 16, 2022, and serve to enhance protection for health care workers and people seeking access to health services. Violence and threats of violence towards Registered Nurses and other health care workers is a long-standing issue that has worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic and has extended to the public who are seeking health services. A backgrounder from the Government of Canada is available here.

The Canadian Nurses Protective Society (CNPS) has written an article further describing the changes to the Criminal Code and how they may intersect with Registered Nurses as health care professionals.

CRNS members are encouraged to read the linked articles in this update to become familiar with the legislation changes.

Questions? Contact an CRNS Practice Advisor by phone at 1.800.667.9945 or 306.359.4227, or by email at

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