Applying to be an Initiating Prescriber for OUD Drug Therapeutics and/or Methadone for Pain Management

This section is for NPs seeking approval to advance from a maintenance prescriber to an initiating prescriber for OUD drug therapeutics and/or methadone for pain management.

Requirements for Approval

To advance from maintenance prescriber to initiating prescriber, the NP must:

  • Demonstrate competence to evaluate the suitability of therapeutic management;
  • Practice within a multidisciplinary team;
  • Regularly assess and treat clients with OUD and/or clients that require methadone for pain; and,
  • Have mentorship and support from an established initiating prescriber.

Application Approval Process

Complete the following documents and email to

  1. NP Practice Assessment-Initiating Prescriber for OUD Drug Therapeutics and/or Methadone for Pain Management.
  2. NP Undertaking-Prescribing OUD Drug Therapeutics and/or Methadone for Pain Management.
  3. NP Initiating Prescriber Application-OUD Drug Therapeutics and/or Methadone for Pain Management.

Once your application has been approved, you will receive written confirmation by email of approval.

NP Surrender Prescribing Approval Process

An NP may surrender approval to prescribe OUD treatment and/or methadone for pain management. If you are no longer requiring approval to prescriber OUD treatment and/or methadone for pain, complete the NP Surrender Prescribing Approval form and email to

Requirements for approval are subject to bylaw and Council policy changes.

If you have questions, contact


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