About the CRNS

The College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan(CRNS) is the profession-led regulatory body established in 1917 by the provincial legislature. The CRNS is accountable for public protection by ensuring members are competent.

How We Govern

The CRNS is the largest profession-led regulatory body in Saskatchewan with more than 12,000 members.

The CRNS is accountable for ensuring its members are competent in providing the services that society has entrusted to them.

How We Operate

The CRNS operates in the public interest in the role of a regulator.

The CRNS is accountable for public protection by ensuring its members are competent through means including initial and ongoing  licensure requirements, practice standards, practice advice and support, approval of nursing programs, continuing competence requirements and a competence assurance mechanism (complaint investigation and discipline process).

How We Inform

As the profession-led regulatory body for the registered nursing profession, the CRNS has an obligation to communicate with its members, partners and the public.

To achieve its mandate of public safety, the CRNS communicates with its members, partners, and the public through a variety of mechanisms including its Annual Report, messages from the President and Executive Director, the Heartbeat, the Pulse, the News Bulletin, and news releases. While the CRNS has a duty to share information, it also welcomes public and member engagement.

What is Profession-Led Regulation?

The primary purpose of profession-led regulation is protection of the public from harm by ensuring members are competent and act in the public interest in providing the services that society has entrusted to them.

Contact Us

The CRNS’s office is located in Regina, Saskatchewan. The CRNS team is available to answer questions and provide information to both the public and RNs.

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