With the focus of the organization being protection of the public, it is important that members of the public continue to be involved. Participation by the public in profession-led regulation ensures the regulatory body remains responsive and accountable to the people of Saskatchewan and is a necessary part of the work done by the CRNS.
There are various avenues for public participation in the CRNS which may include obtaining feedback through regular consultation with a variety of social and cultural groups; surveying Saskatchewan citizens for their feedback on profession-led regulation and RN practice; maintaining a public representative on all statutory and advisory committees; and publishing information on its roles and responsibilities in a number of CRNS publications including the CRNS Annual Report. The public’s input is used to: improve profession-led regulation, the registered nursing profession, develop policy and programs, and enhance public relations.
Participation on Council
Public representatives are full and equal participants in the CRNS Council and are not required to be health care experts. Regulatory bodies such as the CRNS benefit from the public’s representation and participation as they aid in maintaining the focus on public protection, increasing an awareness of social change and cultural diversity, raising attention to the health care needs of communities and groups and suggesting ways to increase the public’s awareness of their ability to raise concerns about an individual’s professional practice.
Learn more about participating on the CRNS Council.
Participation on Committees
Members of the public, as well as CRNS members, contribute time and expertise to various committees that provide insight to the organization’s work. These members help advance the profession and deliver our mandate as a profession-led regulator. Calls for committee participation are posted on the CRNS website, advertised through social media, and extended to those who have expressed interest.
Learn more about CRNS Committees.
If you are interested in becoming involved with an CRNS committee, please contact links@crns.ca.
Advisory Committee
The CRNS Public Advisory Committee will be a partnership of public representatives, and CRNS Council and Staff. This committee will provide members of the public an opportunity to have a voice in how the CRNS can best protect the public. As an organization, the CRNS is eager to listen and learn from the residents of our province.
This committee will provide the opportunity for patients and families to review and provide input and feedback on CRNS policy and program development, and actively participate in new initiatives in registered nursing. It will allow for information, needs and concerns from members of the public to be channeled directly to the CRNS Council, providing the organization a direct line to listen to the public it serves. If you are interested in having a voice in improving the future experience of patients and families in Saskatchewan, please reach out to links@crns.ca for more information on becoming involved.