Council oversees CRNS business and is accountable to the public to establish procedures for good corporate governance and to achieve CRNS’s mission, vision and mandate.
Council provides an effective means of accountability for the CRNS in matters of moral conduct, legal operation, financial controls and annual reporting.
Council is made up of 11-members consisting of five CRNS registrants, five public representatives and the CRNS’s Executive Director & Registrar (a non-voting position).
Council meets on a quarterly basis.
Council Members
CRNS Council members are selected by a nomination process and serve three-year terms.
Council members are expected to act in the best interest of the public and the organization, to openly engage and debate in Council meetings and to respect all decisions made by Council.
Council Policies, Charters & Committees
2.1 Council Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy
2.2 Integrity Assurance Policy
2.5 Council Communications Policy
2.7 NP Scope of Practice Policy
2.9 Investment in Governance Policy
2.10 Selection and Appointment Policy
2.10 Appendix A Chair Selection Process
2.10 Appendix B Chair Competencies Attributes Profile Eligibility Criteria
2.10 Appendix C Nomination Process Selection of Council
2.11 Executive Director Performance Evaluation
2.12 Executive Director Total Compensation
2.13 Executive Director Recruitment, Selection and Appointment
2.14 Executive Director Succession Planning
2.15 Chair of Council and Committees Evaluation Policy