Council Nomination Process
CRNS Council members are selected by a nomination process and serve three-year terms.
The Nominations Committee assists Council with governance continuity by ensuring CRNS has sufficient and qualified candidates to nominate for Council positions.
As part of the process, the Nominations Committee reviews shortlisted applicants whose competencies and attributes have been vetted against the Competency Matrix.
Interviews are completed and references checked.
The Nominations Committee identifies recommended applicants to Council. Individuals who applied but were not successful in the recruitment process are notified. The Council Chair informs successful candidates.
Based on the need each year, a certain number of members are appointed to sit on Council to ensure there are 11-members total consisting of five CRNS registrants, five public representatives and the Executive Director & Registrar.
Incumbent Council members who are eligible and seek re-appointment will follow the same process as new candidates.
What materials should I review?
- Council’s Charter
- Council Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy
- Registered Nurses Act, 1988
- CRNS Bylaws
- Council Competency Matrix
Can I apply if I do not live in Regina?
Eligible applicants must be Saskatchewan residents. They are not required to live in Regina.
Am I obligated to inform my employer that I am applying for a Council position?
Being a member of Council is an important responsibility that will require a time commitment during business hours on weekdays. If this means you may be required to take time away from work, use your judgment to determine how to advise your employer.
What happens after I submit my application?
After all expressions of interest have been reviewed and assessed against the Council Competency Matrix, applicants who are a match will receive an interview.
When will I hear if I am shortlisted for an interview?
Applicants shortlisted for an interview can expect to be contacted by March 3, 2025.
If I am shortlisted, when will the interviews be held?
Interviews will take place March 17-28, 2025.
If I am shortlisted, where will the interviews be held? In person or virtual?
All interviews will be facilitated virtually.
Will I be required to provide references?
If you are being considered for recommendation for appointment, you will be required to provide references. These references will be contacted before your recommendation can be considered final.
If I am the successful applicant and appointed to Council, is there an orientation before my term begins?
Individuals appointed to Council will receive a comprehensive orientation.
Is the position of Council member a paid position or voluntary work?
Appointed Council members are considered volunteers. They are, however, remunerated on a per diem rate of $55 per hour for less than four (4) hours and $375 for equal to or over four (4) hours spent in meetings. They are also reimbursed for associated travel, meal and accommodation expenses.
Where are Council meetings held?
Meetings held in person will take place at the CRNS’s office in Regina, SK. Meetings may also be offered virtually or in a hybrid format.
Address: 1-3710 Eastgate Drive, Regina SK.
On what days of the week are Council meetings typically held?
Historically, meetings are held on weekdays during the CRNS’s business hours. This is subject to change.
Is travel required?
The only travel required is for in-person meetings. Council members who do not live in the Regina area are reimbursed for required travel, meal and accommodation expenses when attending in-person meetings.
Council Postings
Public Representatives
The College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) is seeking public representatives to fill vacancies on Council. The term of appointment is for three (3) years commencing in June 2025 and expiring in June 2028.
RN & NP Representatives
The College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) is seeking registered nurses (RNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) to fill vacancies on Council. The term of appointment is for three (3) years commencing in June 2025 and expiring in June 2028.
How to Apply
Being on the CRNS Council is an exciting opportunity that carries with it significant responsibility and time commitment. If you are interested in serving on Council, review the information below and complete the Expression of Interest Questionnaire.
Members of the public who are interested in a Council appointment must:
- Be a resident of Saskatchewan.
- Meet the competencies and attributes detailed in the matrix including specific competencies and attributes profiled in the expression of interest.
- Not be a spouse, partner, child or parent of a current member of the CRNS’s Council.
- Not be currently employed with the CRNS or another nurse regulator in Saskatchewan.
- Not currently be elected to federal, provincial or municipal public office.
- Not hold a senior position with the Government of Saskatchewan, including a senior position with the provincial Ministry of Health or with Health Canada.
- Not be a member of the Saskatchewan Health Authority Board.
- Not be a board member, officer or senior employee of a professional association or labour union that represents members of a regulated health profession.
- Not represent a health authority or any other nursing employer in collective bargaining or in proceedings under a collective bargaining agreement with college members as their primary responsibility in the course of their employment; and/or,
- Applicants must be comfortable using a computer and internet connection with familiarity using MS Office and MS Teams environments.
Conflicts of Interest
Individuals appointed to the CRNS Council must ensure their personal interests do not interfere with their duties as a Council member. The CRNS’s Council Policy 2.1 Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest outlines the CRNS's requirements and disclosure process.