The CRNS Council Chair issues a message to communicate important news from Council meetings, provincial and national nursing initiatives and key partnership developments. The Council Chair’s message is delivered to all CRNS registrants by email following each Council meeting. 

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to bring you this update from the November CRNS Council meeting that took place last week.

We began the meeting with Knowledge Keeper and Cultural Advisor, Judy Pelly, blessing the day and opening with a prayer. Judy also shared the 7 Sacred Teachings with Council. We are grateful to continue our journey toward reconciliation and expand our knowledge about Indigenous culture, beliefs and practices.

From there, Council approved the Self-Employed Practice Guideline, which was updated to provide more direction on advertising and content related to the roles and responsibilities of self-employed CRNS registrants, billing numbers and commission-based compensation.
Delivering on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action (#23), the CRNS has developed and Council has approved the Anti-Racism Guideline. RNs and NPs make up a large population of care providers in the Saskatchewan health system and can have a huge impact on eliminating racism in health care. While RNs and NPs have been providing culturally safe care for decades, racism is still very present. CRNS guidelines are created to expand on practice expectations. The Anti-Racism Guideline includes frameworks that can be put into action when racism is witnessed. More information about the guideline and the CPR Racism strategy will be sent to registrants in the coming weeks.

CPR RACISM: A Guide for Health Care Providers to Address Racism in Health Care by Holly Graham

Council heard operational updates from the Executive Director and Registrar, Cindy Smith and the leadership team. Council always appreciates these updates and is pleased with the hard work and dedication of the CRNS staff.

Brent Kitchen, Presenter, Enterprise Risk Management

Next, Council received Committee reports from Audit and Finance, Legislation and Bylaws and Governance and HR. The 2025 CRNS Budget was approved. As well, Council approved a new Council and Committee Chair Evaluations Policy, a new tool to evaluate Council and Committee Chairs during their tenure and a new CRNS Council Chair selection process. Council also engaged in education related to Enterprise Risk Management and their oversight responsibilities.


Thank you for your continued dedication to caring for the public.


Moni Snell, NP

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