Retaking the NCLEX-RN®
This section is for you if you are a Canadian graduate or Internationally Educated Nurse, who is applying to re-write the NCLEX®-RN.
What happens if I need to retake the NCLEX-RN?
If you did not pass your exam, you will need to re-apply to Pearson VUE and then CRNS. You must wait 45 days from your last exam before you can re-test. You can apply prior to the 45 days but your Authorization to Test (ATT) will not begin until day 46.
It is important that you reflect on your previous examination(s) to determine why you were not successful. Use the NCLEX®-RN Candidate Report that was provided to you to determine your areas of strength and areas for growth. The development of a study plan may help you focus on areas that you may have knowledge gaps or areas you need to review.
NCLEX-RN® Re-Testing Process:
- Register for the NCLEX-RN examination with Pearson VUE and pay the required fee of $378.00. Your NCLEX Registration Acknowledgement email will contain your NCSBN ID number, this 8-digit number is required for the next step.
- Then complete the CRNS NCLEX Application form and $136.50 fee on the CRNS Portal.
- Once your exam application has been verified by the CRNS you will receive an email that you have been made eligible to write the exam.
- Pearson VUE will email the Authorization to Test (ATT) to you, if you do not receive your ATT email after 3 business days, please send an email to . You must book your exam appointment within the dates stated on the ATT. If an applicant does not write the exam within the validity dates, the Pearson VUE NCLEX®-RN application will be cancelled and the fee is non-refundable.
- You can now book your exam date. Once your exam is booked, you will receive a confirmation email from Pearson VUE regarding your scheduled exam.
Resources to Help You Prepare for the NCLEX-RN®
This document is an overview about the exam, and what to expected before, during and after the examination process. It also reviews the security activities you need to go through on the day of the exam.
NCSBN NCLEX-RN Detailed Test Plan – Candidate Version
This document is an overview about the content within the exam and provides more detailed information about the content areas tested in the exam by competency.
The NCLEX Practice Exam provides a look and feel of the NCLEX candidates will take on test day. It is comprised of previously used NCLEX questions.
There are many topics discussed through this portal to get all your questions answered.
This video explains how computer adaptive testing works.
There are many resources available to you to enhance your studying for the NCLEX-RN from a variety of sources. Only the resources that are developed by NCSBN are endorsed for the NCLEX-RN. If you find a resource that may be help to you, it should enhance the NCSBN materials listed above, not replace them.
Don’t forget about all the materials you have learned from and used throughout your nursing education! Your textbooks and notes can be a great resource to study from.
NCLEX-RN Exam Results
The exam results will be emailed to you within 5 business days.
Regulations and entry requirements are subject to bylaw and policy changes.
If you have questions, contact