Practice & Education

Nursing practice is the performance or coordination of health care services. It encompasses all nurses do, how they do it, what is required of them, and their scope of practice. Ongoing education supports safe, competent and ethical patient care.

Continuing Competence Program

The CRNS’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is a mandatory, ongoing education program that ensures all RNs and NPs are continually enhancing their practice through self-directed learning. Every RN and NP must complete the CCP annually as part of the requirements to hold a license to practice registered nursing in Saskatchewan.

Nursing Practice Consultation

Do you have a question for an RN about nursing practice or nursing in general?

The College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan has a team of Nursing Advisors dedicated to answering questions from Registered Nurses and Registered Nurse Practitioners about specific areas of their practice.

Nursing Practice Resources

The CRNS establishes a minimum level of competence for all RN practice areas and communicates these competencies via its standards and competency documents.

Resources provided here provide further details on what is expected in all three practice categories of Registered Nurses in Saskatchewan, including RNs, RN(AAP)s, NPs.These documents provide recommendations for practice and give direction for specific areas of practice. These standards represent the criteria against which all registered nurses are measured.

Nursing Practice Updates

The CRNS is pleased to provide the latest news and updates on the practice of nursing in Saskatchewan.

CRNS Members can count on the CRNS to provide up-to-date news about anything that has an impact on the practice of nursing in Saskatchewan. This includes changes to legislation, updates to CRNS bylaws, and the introduction of new standards and guidelines. 

Understanding Legislated Scope of Practice

Relevant legislation, acts, regulations, bylaws, and resources related to the scope of RN and NP Practice.

Recognition of Practice

This section is for RNs and NPs who work in nontraditional nursing roles.

Prescribing Controlled Drugs

This section is for Nurse Practitioner (NP)s looking to become maintenance or initiating prescribers for OUD & Methadone for pain management. In addition, information on the Prescription Review Program (PRP).

Nursing Community

The CRNS prides itself on providing its members with a robust and diverse community both within and outside of the workplace.

CRNS members have the opportunity to participate in a variety of initiatives in the nursing community that will enhance their nursing practice. These opportunities include: volunteering as a CRNS Liaison or Mentor, starting or participating in a Professional Practice Group, or getting involved with the CRNS Council, focus groups or committees.

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