Nursing Practice Consultation
CRNS Nursing Advisors are dedicated to answering questions from RNs and NPs about their nursing practice. We also answer questions about nursing practice from the public and employers.
Who are we?
We are a team of Registered Nurses with diverse experience and backgrounds. Our team is committed to enhancing and promoting safe, ethical, and competent practice.
What types of issues do we deal with?
Our advisors are dedicated to listening to questions and concerns nurses may have about their practice and helping them find practical solutions.
Some common concerns:
- relationships between co-workers
- what are RNs allowed to do and what they are not
- what is expected of an RN
When are we available?
8:00 to 4:30 Monday to Friday (some exceptions for holidays)
How can you get in touch with us?
Phone: 1-800-667-9945
In Person: 1-3710 Eastgate Drive, Regina
Nursing Advisors are available to meet in person with individuals or in group settings for larger discussions or education sessions.
What information do we require?
Please be prepared to provide the following, even if you are leaving a message.
- Your Full Name
- RN Number (preferred, but not required)
- Your main concern
This information allows our advisors to gather initial resources prior to returning your call. Please note that all calls are confidential.
Our Process
Each situation is different and each solution will be tailored to the context of the call. Once we understand context, advisors can provide guidance, link to evidence and resources to support a resolution.
Usually advisors resolve questions as individuals, however, there are times when a team approach is required. Our advisors will always get your permission before moving to a team or agency approach.
Our advisors have the same responsibility and accountability as all RNs. If an advisor becomes aware of professional misconduct or incompetence, there is an obligation to follow up and report to CRNS Complaints & Investigations.
How soon will we respond to you?
You can expect an initial call back within 24 business hours. We strive to resolve all issues as quickly as possible.
Our Team of Nursing Advisors:
Terri Belcourt, RN
Virginia Deobald, RN
Donna Marin, RN
Shayna Moore, RN
Carole Reece, RN
Catharine Wirth, RN
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