PRP ADVISORY – Drug Panel Update

Changes to Prescription Review Program Panel of Monitored Drugs

As a partner to the Prescription Review Program (PRP), the College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) is sharing the following update with all Nurse Practitioner members in the province.

As outlined in CRNS Bylaw (2019) VI – Categories of Practice, Section 4 The Prescription Review Program, (2) Panel of Monitored Drugs, the Prescription Review Program shall apply to all dosage forms of the drugs listed in the panel of monitored drugs contained in the bylaws of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan as amended from time to time.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSS) has provided the following information to their members, which also applies to all NPs. Please be advised of the amendment to The College of Physician and Surgeons of Saskatchewan’s Regulatory Bylaw 18.1(a) Panel of Monitored Drugs.

The highlighted drugs reflect the new additions, effective immediately.

Review the full list of changes from The College of Physician and Surgeons of Saskatchewan here.

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