NPs Can Prescribe Medical Cannabis

With the legalization of recreational cannabis on October 17, 2018, new Cannabis Regulations have replaced the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR). Under the new regulations, a nurse practitioner is defined as an authorized health care provider and is not restricted, under the laws of the province in which they practise, from authorizing the use of cannabis.  The College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) has determined that it is within the NPs scope of practice whom have the appropriate knowledge, skills and competencies to safely authorize the use of medical cannabis for Saskatchewan clients.

It is important NPs educate clients on the risks, side effects, safe transportation and storage of medical cannabis. NPs are required to adhere to employer policy for authorizing the use of medical cannabis. Clients authorized by their health care provider are still able to access cannabis for medical purposes by:

Additional resources for NPs:

CRNS Nursing Advisors are available to discuss practice questions about cannabis. To contact the CRNS for practice advice, please call: 1-800-667-9945 or 306-359-4200 (ask to speak to a practice advisor), or you can email at

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